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Side effects of the coronavirus vaccines

What are the side effects of coronavirus vaccines?

It is important to distinguish between vaccination reactions and complications when talking about the side effects of coronavirus vaccines. The term vaccination reaction refers to typical symptoms such as redness or muscle pain. These are normal signs of the desired immune response and disappear after a few days. Vaccination complications, on the other hand, are very rare and refer to serious adverse drug reactions (ADR) [1]. 

Table listing the most common vaccination reactions of corona vaccines.
Overview of the frequency of vaccination reactions for the different types of coronavirus vaccines
*Data unknown

Serious vaccination reactions (vaccination complications)

Serious vaccination reactions are extremely rare in vaccines that have been approved in Germany. Scientists recognize almost all potential side effects at an early stage by conducting thorough vaccination studies. Identifying extremely rare (and potentially serious) vaccination reactions is only possible at a later stage.

More people need to be vaccinated to obtain statistically significant results. The latest reports from the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) can be found here.

More detailed information on cerebral venous thrombosis cases associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine can be found here. According to these reports, the vaccine continues to be classified as safe and effective in the fight against COVID-19.

The contents of this article reflect the current scientific status at the time of publication and were written to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, the article does not replace medical advice and diagnosis. If you have any questions, consult your general practitioner.

Originally published on

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